Cope and Chill
Welcome to the Cope and Chill Podcast with Ron Martin where every Tuesday we explore practical approaches to self-care and self-healing for better mental and emotional health and well-being.
This podcast is about self-discovery, self-care, self-healing and personal growth.
My intention is to help you learn to become more self-aware, empower you with knowledge, and help you face and overcome personal challenges to having an emotionally healthier life.
Join me as we embark on a path towards greater inner peace, resilience and happiness.
Cope and Chill
Stop People Pleasing and Set Healthy Boundaries, with Author, Urmi Hossain
What would you do if you realized that you weren't happy because everything around you had conditioned you to abandon your needs and live life as a people pleaser? Listen to author, blogger, YouTuber and business woman, Urmi Hossain, talk about her experience being raised by Bengali parents in Italy, growing up learning to abandon her most essential needs and deepest desires in order to become a culturally accepted, compliant, people-pleaser. She goes on to share how she overcame these limitations and expectations to become a self-described strong, confident and self-empowered business woman. Click to listen now! #stop people pleasing #set healthy boundaries
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