Cope and Chill
Welcome to the Cope and Chill Podcast with Ron Martin where every Tuesday we explore practical approaches to self-care and self-healing for better mental and emotional health and well-being.
This podcast is about self-discovery, self-care, self-healing and personal growth.
My intention is to help you learn to become more self-aware, empower you with knowledge, and help you face and overcome personal challenges to having an emotionally healthier life.
Join me as we embark on a path towards greater inner peace, resilience and happiness.
Cope and Chill
How to Use Your Intuition to Make Decisions About Your Midlife Transition with Life Coach, Darcie Warden
Are you searching for more meaning in life but aren’t sure how to move forward? If you’ve reached mid-life and are wondering what’s next for you, join me as I talk to life coach, Darcie Warden, on the next episode of the Cope and Chill podcast. Darcie specializes in helping people connect to their inner wisdom when considering what’s next for them in life. She helps them learn the language of intuition to understand what their bodies are telling them as they evaluate and plan their next steps. And then she encourages them to take inspired action.
So, how can you use your intuition to align your actions and decisions with your core values and beliefs, so you can live a more authentic and fulfilling life? Listen to Episode 5 of the Cope and Chill Podcast today!
website: www.risingphoenixmt.com
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/darciewardenlifeandwellnesscoach or https://www.facebook.com/darcie.warden/
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@copeandchill on YouTube