Cope and Chill
Welcome to the Cope and Chill Podcast with Ron Martin where every Tuesday we explore practical approaches to self-care and self-healing for better mental and emotional health and well-being.
This podcast is about self-discovery, self-care, self-healing and personal growth.
My intention is to help you learn to become more self-aware, empower you with knowledge, and help you face and overcome personal challenges to having an emotionally healthier life.
Join me as we embark on a path towards greater inner peace, resilience and happiness.
Cope and Chill
How do you listen to your body to heal from the past with Results Coach, Brian Johnson
Does something traumatic from your past still have a grip on you? Do you feel like your body remembers your pain? Trauma can be hard to shake. It can stay with us and inhabit our bodies. It can show up as chronic pain or tightness in our necks, or chests, stomachs or backs. But how do we shake it? How do we let go of it and move on to a more peaceful existence? In episode 10 of the Cope and Chill Podcast, we will explore an approach to addressing these questions with Coach Brian Johnson. Brian helps people overcome their struggles and achieve their goals by arming them with the right knowledge and accountability that helps them gain the right focus. It’s not about ‘Transformation’, for Brian, transformation can be really daunting. He prefers ‘Simple 1 Degree Shifts’ that anyone, or any business can use immediately to shift focus. He gives them the tools, daily accountability and support they require to help them transition into behaviors that will get them where they desire to be.In this episode, not only will we discuss Brian’s unique approach to helping his clients resolve their past traumas, but we’ll take you through a couple of practices that I will perform on the show, and you can do at home. Please join us for Episode 10 of the Cope and Chill Podcast wherever you can listen to podcasts, on Youtube and at copeandchill.com!
#listeningtomybody, #listentoyourbody, #listentoyourbodytalk, #mindbodyconnection, #nervoussystemhealth, #bodyawarenessforall, #mindbodyhealing, #healingmindbodyandsoul, #bodymindandsoulhealingtherapy, #healingforthemindandbody, #healingthebodywiththemind, #healingofmindbodyandsoul, #mindandbodyhealing, #mindbodyhealingaffirmations, #calmingthemind&bodyhealingthesoul, #healemotionallyfromthepast, #howtohealemotionalwoundsfromthepast, #howtohealemotionalpainfromthepast, #howtohealfromthepast, #whatdoesitmeantohealfromthepast
Links to Brian’s resources: https://linktr.ee/IAM_BRIANJOHNSON
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@copeandchill on YouTube