Cope and Chill
Welcome to the Cope and Chill Podcast with Ron Martin where every Tuesday we explore practical approaches to self-care and self-healing for better mental and emotional health and well-being.
This podcast is about self-discovery, self-care, self-healing and personal growth.
My intention is to help you learn to become more self-aware, empower you with knowledge, and help you face and overcome personal challenges to having an emotionally healthier life.
Join me as we embark on a path towards greater inner peace, resilience and happiness.
Cope and Chill
What is Mindful Movement and How Can It Benefit You, with Michael Landau, Feldenkrais Teacher
You may have heard of or tried Mindful Meditation and may be aware of its many benefits. Mindfulness is about awareness without judgment and has reportedly helped people with many things, from greater mental focus and clarity to lowered blood pressure and better sleep and more. But, are you aware of Mindful Movement, and in particular the “Feldenkrais” method of awareness through movement? Join me on July 4, for Episode 11 of the Cope and Chill Podcast where I talk with Michael Landau who explains how help helps people with practices of small, mindful movements feel better and become better. In this episode, he walks myself and our listeners through short, mindful movements that you can practice as you listen to the show. I tried them, and I noticed a wonderfully beneficial difference. Curious about whether mindful movement can help you? Join us on July 4 for Episode 11 of the Cope and Chill Podcast, wherever you listen to podcasts and on YouTube at copeandchill or at copeandchill.com.
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@copeandchill on YouTube