Cope and Chill
Welcome to the Cope and Chill Podcast with Ron Martin where every Tuesday we explore practical approaches to self-care and self-healing for better mental and emotional health and well-being.
This podcast is about self-discovery, self-care, self-healing and personal growth.
My intention is to help you learn to become more self-aware, empower you with knowledge, and help you face and overcome personal challenges to having an emotionally healthier life.
Join me as we embark on a path towards greater inner peace, resilience and happiness.
Cope and Chill
Rewiring Your Brain for Emotional Wellness: A Journey to Overcoming Anxiety, Depression, and Trauma
Season 2
Episode 2
In this episode of the Cope and Chill Podcast, Dr. Karen Cureton discusses the fascinating process of rewiring the brain to alleviate chronic anxiety, depression, PTSD, trauma, chronic illness, and chronic pain. Discover how the limbic system, responsible for our emotional responses, plays a pivotal role in determining our sense of safety and how it impacts every organ system in the body.
Dr. Cureton explains how even seemingly minor traumatic experiences, known as "little T" traumas, can lead to lasting changes in our nervous system and behavior patterns. She offers insights into the daily practice and guided neural retraining processes that can gradually transform these patterns, providing relief and a path to wellness.
Join us on this enlightening journey as we explore the possibilities of rewiring your brain for a happier and healthier life. Don't miss the chance to learn more and try out neural retraining in the free anxiety program at getwiredforwellness.com/anxiety. You're never too old or too stuck to start the journey towards well-being!
#BrainRewiring, #ChronicAnxietyRelief, #NeuralRetraining, #EmotionalWellness, #MentalHealthJourney, #TraumaRecovery, #LimbicSystem, #HolisticHealing, #WellnessJourney, #MindBodyBalance, #AnxietySolutions, #EmotionalResilience, #EmpowerYourMind, #HealthAndWellnessPodcast, #RewireYourLife, #StressReduction, #NaturalHealing, #InnerPeace, #HealthyMindset, #SelfCareJourney
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